The College of the Arts Performance Operations’ Box Office

The Box Office is open for in-person ticket purchases and inquiries. We are also available for contact at or 973-655-5112 during scheduled business hours.

Purchase Tickets

To purchase tickets to upcoming performances online, visit the TICKETS page.

All Montclair State University undergraduate students get (1) one prepaid ticket per production for PEAK Performances, the Department of Theatre and Dance, and the John J. Cali School of Music. Students need to arrange for their ticket in-person at the Alexander Kasser Theater Box Office window by showing their Montclair State University student ID and providing a Montclair State University email address and phone number. Student prepaid tickets cannot be secured over the phone or online.

Box Office Hours

Our Box Office is open Monday through Friday from 12 Noon – 6:00PM.
Summer hours may vary.

Box Office Hours on Performance Day(s)

On performance days, including Saturday and Sundays, the Box Office is open from 12 Noon through showtime.

Alternate Box Office Locations and Venues

Life Hall StudioTheatre: (Entrance through the front doors of the School of Communication and Media building across from the Sprague Library) – Opens one hour before the performance at this venue.
Memorial Auditorium: (Entrance through the front doors of Life Hall building across from Conrad J Schmitt Hall & Finley Hall) – Opens one hour before the performance at this venue.
L Howard Fox Theatre: (Next to Life Hall and across from Conrad J Schmitt Hall) – Opens one hour before the performance at this venue.
Leshowitz Recital Hall: (Entrance through the front doors of John J. Cali School of Music and across from the Panzer Athletic Center) – Opens one hour prior to the performance at this particular venue.

Phone and Email


GPS Address

1 Normal Avenue
Montclair, NJ 07043

Turn on to the campus and follow College Ave to the Red Hawk Parking Deck

For additional information on directions, travel options and parking, see our DIRECTIONS page.

Mailing Address

Box Office, Alexander Kasser Theater
Montclair State University
1 Normal Avenue, Montclair NJ 07043

Group Sales

For every ten tickets purchased at the regular price, receive the 11th ticket free. There is a one-time standard $10.00 fee for the group sale. Please phone the Box Office for assistance.

Exchange Procedures

In general, there are no exchanges, however tickets may be exchanged up to 24 hours before the scheduled performance, with a five dollar exchange fee per ticket.

Please note: A ticket may only be exchanged for one of equal value.


Refunds are not possible at this time, unless it is related to health and safety.

Parking Information

All patron parking is in the Red Hawk Deck, directly adjacent to the Alexander Kasser Theater. Once parked, exit the Red Hawk Deck from the 4th floor to access the theater. Save the wait and purchase event parking in the Kasser lobby. Parking fees may also be paid at the kiosk machines located on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th floors of the Red Hawk Parking Deck or at the pay stations as you exit the garage. For parking rates, please visit our DIRECTIONS page.

For any questions, comments, or concerns about your parking experience, please contact Audience Services at 973-655-4010.

Transportation from New York

MONDAY – FRIDAY TRAIN Montclair – Boonton Line (Midtown Direct from New York to Montclair Heights Station – New Jersey Transit. Note there are two Montclair stops; use the Montclair Heights Station. The Montclair University stop is over a mile away from the theater. Visit NJTransit for more information.

Local Transportation Information

NJ Transit Railroad service to Montclair Heights is not available on the weekend.

NJ Transit Bus lines 28 and 705 stop in front of the Alexander Kasser Theater (this is the Montclair State University stop). Go to New Jersey Transit or call NJ Transit at 973-275-5555 for schedules and more information.

Comfort and Convenience

  • Designated, integrated, accessible seating for patrons who use wheelchairs and their companions is available at all performances and events
  • The Kasser offers barrier-free access with on-grade entrances, elevators, railings, wide doorways, accessible restrooms and designated parking spaces
  • Wireless infrared receivers are available for patron use
  • Other special requests will be accommodated whenever possible. Please direct all inquiries to Audience Services at 973-655-4010

wheelchair logo listening logo